Signs & Symptoms of
Area of Our Expertise
of Spiritual Healing Services

We provide service of Spiritual Healing Therapy of Ruqya – Dum within our area of expertise, from the comfort of your home.
We deal with all cases root cause of which is
Evil Eye
Jinn / Deamon
Through the years of experience, we have categorized the generally occurring issues that we deal with into several categories below.
Note: If you don’t find your symptoms here, please feel free to contact, and book your first free session to discuss your issue.

1. Mental Health Issues

- Seizure/ Epilepsy, also known as a convulsion or fit.
- Having frequent epileptic attack
- Feeling of impending doom
- Bipolar Disorder
- Sleep Disorder
- Social anxiety disorder, also called social phobia
- Schizophrenia
- Hallucination (seeing what is not real)
- Feelings of or impending dread/fear and doom, deja vu, fear, or euphoria.*
- Tourette syndrome (TS)**
- Strange staring
- Seeing jinn (spirit, ghost, demons )
- Suddenly flipping and becoming a completely different person
- The feeling you hate everyone in the house
- Thoughts of death or suicide attempts
- Unnatural and a sudden aversion to a certain place or person
- Heaviness on the heart
- Always having bad temper
- Keep on having negative thoughts
- Feeling depressed
- Feeling irritable or tense
- Staying in the washroom for a long time
- Difficulty in concentrating
- Feelings of hopelessness
- A great deal of suspicion
- Feeling something is moving in the body
- Keeping one self away from family
- Prefer not to have showers
- Staying too long in bathroom
- Extreme unawareness
- Absentmindedness
- Thoughts of death or suicide attempts
- Uncontrollable anger
- Extreme forgetfulness
- Panic attacks
- Extreme Stress
- Anxiety

2. Physical Health Issues
- Un-diagnosable medical condition ( doctors cannot find the cause of the illness, but patient feels the problem is there).
- Feeling pins and needles
- Moving pains in the body
- Part of the body becomes numb
- Part of the body shakes
- Serious headache with no definite cause
- Pain in the lower part of the back
- Constant pain in one part of the body
- Moving pain from head, neck and shoulders
- Sweating heavily when asleep
- Always feeling weak
- Always feeling dizzy
- Very low energy, always feeling tired
- Paralysis of one area of the patient’s body
- Total paralysis of the body
- Sleep Paralysis
- Having frequent epileptic attack
- Frequent vomiting
- Serious digestion problems
- Occasional constant stomach-aches
- Complete loss of appetite for food
- Constriction in the throat
- Constant Cramps
- Infertility
- Sudden Male Impotency
- Impotency when go close to spouse
- Inability sexual intercourse with spouse
- Female frequent miscarriage
- Female heavy and/or prolonged bleeding
- Female menstrual irregularities
- Miscarriages
- Unable to conceive
- Male premature ejaculation

3. Feeling of something unusual and Not normal

A felt presence feels as though it’s there with you in your personal space. It’s not hallucination, but neither it’s experienced by our five physical senses of touch, sight, hearing, smell or taste.
- Feeling the presence of somebody in the house
- Feeling the presence of somebody around you
- Hearing Daemonic Voices
- Hearing human voices, whispering in your head
- Being afraid in the bath room
- The person hears voices talking to him when awake, but cannot see where these voices are coming from.
Heavy feeling in the chest can be due to
- Medical condition or
- Mental Health condition.
Medical conditions such as GERD, pericarditis, angina (heart attack), pneumonia, collapsed lung, asthma, costochondritis, and gallstones.
It can happen due to mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression.
Our focus is on mental health which is caused by negative energy influence, which need to be removed. Same is the reason for heavy shoulders feeling.
- Severe tightness in the chest
- Constant weight on shoulder.
- Pressure on your chest at night that doesn’t let you sleep.
- Experience changes in their hearing, vision, or sense of smell.
- Always feeling suffocated and restless

4. Nightmares, Insomnia
- Nightmare Disorder: is a sleep disorder characterized by repeated intense nightmares that most often center on threats to physical safety and security.
- You may see scary & disturbing dreams such as:
- seeing scary animals, creatures, snakes, dogs
- Jinns, demons, negative entities, shadowy figures.
- The person may see in a dream as if someone were calling him, threatening or warning
- Seeing dead people
- You may see scary & disturbing dreams such as:
- Sleep Terror or Night Terror: Night terrors are episodes of intense screaming, crying, thrashing, or fear during sleep that happen again and again. The person may experience gritting your teeth, sweating, exhausted.
- Sleep Paralysis: is having the sensation of a harmful presence around you, or pressing down on you — but you can’t move or scream. This experience can feel pretty darn terrifying, but it typically ends within a minute or two.
- Frequent Wet Dreams or Sexual / Erotic Dreams. Note, this indicates the influence of negative energies on the effected person. Feeling of being raped by invisible entity at night.
- Sleep Walking: Sleepwalking, formally known as somnambulism, is a phenomenon of combined sleep and wakefulness; it causes a sleeping person to walk around or do things that should only happen when awake.
- People who sleepwalk don’t remember episodes
- Accidents during these episodes can cause injuries, and sleepwalking is associated with worse sleep and daytime drowsiness
- Insomnia (sleep disorder), in which you have trouble falling and/or staying asleep.
Its primary causes can be related to:
Mental Health condition such as depression, anxiety, stress (related to big life events, like a job loss or change, the death of a loved one, divorce, or moving)
Secondary can be such as: medication, substance use, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, pregnancy, ADHD, PMS & menopause, Alzheimers or other types of dementia. - Sexsomnia: A key aspect of sexsomnia is being asleep and unconscious while engaging in behaviors in the middle-of-the-night which are sexual in nature such as fondling, masturbation, sexual movements, sexual aggression, or initiating sex with another person. Though their eyes may be open and they may make sexual noises, they are asleep during these activities and unaware of their behavior once they are awake.
- A case of sexsomnia is referred here for your reference.
Cause embarrassment for family: Here a boy reported her mom in sleep moaning sexually loud
Can lead to relationship issue: here sometimes she was used to take names of other men while sleep having sexsomnia episode.
May also lead to legal issue: The worst thing was, there had been episodes in which she fondled her husband, who then engaged in sexual activity with her. In the middle of it, she woke up feeling somewhat abused, because from her point of view he was forcing sexual intercourse during her sleep without consent.
- A case of sexsomnia is referred here for your reference.

5. Behavioural Addictions

- Sex / illicit activities
- Gambling
- Drinking
- Sex
- Abnormal eating
- For any addictions take professional help and along with Spiritual healing
- NPD (Narcissist Personality Disorder)

6. Healing Marriage Issues
Depending on the objective of the spell caster or magician, this may be a love spell or witch craft of separation.
Love spell is done by spouse to control their partners; whereas witchcraft of separation is done someone who wants marriage to end to fulfil their vested interests.
- You hate everything about your spouse
- Love Spells effect: sudden obedience/ love for a particular person
- Infertility without any medical condition
- Severe tightness in the chest
- Occasional constant stomach-aches
- Frequent vomiting
- Pain in the lower part of the back
- Moving pain from head, neck and shoulders
- Constriction in the throat
- Serious digestion problems
- Constant Cramps
- Always feeling weak
- Always feeling dizzy
- Having frequent epileptic attack
- Doctors cannot find the cause of the illness
- Feeling pins and needles
- Moving pains in the body
- Male Impotency
- Inability sexual intercourse with spouse
- Part of the body becomes numb
- Part of the body shakes
- Female frequent miscarriage
- Female heavy bleeding
- Female menstrual irregularities
- Male premature ejaculation

7. Impeding (delaying) Marriage Issue
The aim of the spell caster or magician here is to prevent or delay marriage of a person. The objective can be enmity, jealousy and even a lover who want to marry that person.
Love spell is done by spouse to control their partners; whereas witchcraft of separation is done someone who wants marriage to end to fulfil their vested interests.

- The person sees the suitor(for marriage) in an ugly image, hate everything about it.
- The prospective husband when enters the house of girl to meet girl and her family he starts to feel uncomfortable or vice versa; either way proposal does not go through.
- Depression comes as side effect of this situation.
- Severe tightness in the chest, especially between midday and midnight
- Occasional constant stomach-aches
- Occasional headaches, which persist despite medication
- Pain in the lower part of the back
- Absentmindedness
- Anxiety during sleep
- Having epileptic attacks
The Jinn has two options
- If he can enter the girl, then he would cause her to feel uncomfortable with any prospective husband and; thus, turn him down.
- If he cannot enter the girl, then he would use the Sihr of imagination, from outside. As a result, a suitor would see the girl in an ugly image under the effect of the Jinn’s whispering, and so would the girl. Under the effect of this Sihr and under the Jinn is whispering, a suitor, who would have initially agreed to the marriage, would decline after a few days, without any valid reason.
- In cases of a strong Sihr, a suitor would, upon entering the house of his prospective wife, feel very uncomfortable and see darkness before him as if he were in prison, and so would never return. During the period of this Sihr, the Jinn may cause the girl to experience occasional headaches.

8. Countering Witchcraft/Hex (Sihr) of Separation
To develop hatred and mistrust between partners (married / business).
The objective of the spell/witchcraft of separation, is to separate or make discord between two spouses, or stir up hatred between two friends or two partners
Note: its been seen that, this kind of spell is done even by even your own close relatives/friends/colleague for their own vested interests or by your enemies.
- The person affected by witchcraft(sihr) of separation starts to hate anything the other party does.
- A sudden change in attitude from friendship/love to hate.
- Exaggerating the causes of disputes between two people, even though they may be trivial.
- Spouse asking for divorce day and night for no reason.
- Partner asking for quitting partnership for no reason or made up reason.
- Squabbles for no reason.
- Narcissistic
- Affected party starts to feel depressed, where the two work or live together.
- Affected person complain of being unable to interact with their spouse.
- Affected person complain of have impotency issue when go close to spouse.
- Fatigued, tired all the time.
- Depression: affected person starts to feel depressed, where the two work or live together.
- Missing of valuable items and/or personal use items which creates doubts e.g money etc.
- Clothes that have been missing are found again
- Insomnia
- Pins and needles that are poked into the furniture or around the home
- Missing clothes
- Tendency towards sin
- Depression at times leads to addictions.

9. Countering Love Spell or Witchcraft of Love
Create abnormal/uncontrollable attraction to someone.
Under the influence of a love spell, you will need to see her/him, be with her/him, and you won’t be calm and feel devastated until you are close to her/him.
Note: its been seen that, this kind of spell is done even by even your own spouse sometimes due to marital squabbles, to take control of spouse wealth, if spouse suspect you are planning to move on or marry another woman.

- Abnormal/uncontrollable attraction to someone.
- Under control of the person spell casted for, his/her word become the law/priority.
- Abnormal/impulsive Sexual attraction towards someone to have intercourse.
- Impatience of remaining without having sexual intercourse.
- Depressed, when not around the person he desires under love spell.
- Pessimistic/abrupt mood changes, relax to nervous, restless.
- Problems at work, due to closed/confused/blocked mind, loss of interest.
- Insomnia
- Fatigued, tired all the time.
- Addiction as side effect to calm mind.
- Backfiring of Love Spell-1, person would start to hate the veryperson who casted spell on him or all women including his wife if wife casted spell on husband.
- Backfiring of Love Spell-2: the person would start hating all women even his sister, mother etc other than his wife who casted spell on him.

10. Countering problem from Negative effects of doing black magic, Mistake of demon/jinn catching
Black magic/Hex/Voodoo/Sorcery/Witchcraft is an absolute Evil act. Don’t go near it, don’t even think of doing it or hiring someone to cast black magic spell(s) for you. People do it for different purposes out of revenge or even in love strangely. Always remember Garbage in Garbage Out.
Black magicians or Spell Casters market themselves for blazing fast spell casters to: bring your lover back, get you more money, fix a serious problem, bring good luck, take revenge by harming someone, claiming they can change your life.
These spells will earn you curse nothing else and can also backfire.
There is no Black or White Magic, both have the same source i.e Evil spirits, so no good can be achieved out of it, whether intention is good (white magic) or bad(black magic)
Never use Black Magic “Do it yourself Kit”, that will be even worse.
Black magic/Hex/Voodoo/Sorcery/Witchcraft is an absolute Evil act. Don’t go near it, don’t even think of doing it or hiring someone to cast black magic spell(s) for you. People do it for different purposes out of revenge or even in love strangely. Always remember Garbage in Garbage Out.
Black magicians or Spell Casters market themselves for blazing fast spell casters to: bring your lover back, get you more money, fix a serious problem, bring good luck, take revenge by harming someone, claiming they can change your life.
These spells will earn you curse nothing else and can also backfire.
There is no Black or White Magic, both have the same source i.e Evil spirits, so no good can be achieved out of it, whether intention is good (white magic) or bad(black magic)
Never use Black Magic “Do it yourself Kit”, that will be even worse.
There are three ways Casting Spell eventually backfire one way or the other, but unfortunately some people never understand and they destroy their life in this world and hereafter.
- Inexperienced Spell Caster: this is common with trying doing it themselves using DIY kits. Spell can backfire i.e spell caster become victim of his/her own spell or , they may not produce the intended results or even have unintended negative consequences i.e opposite to what it was intended for.
- Black Magic is Reversed: When a person’s black magic / hex / voodoo effects is removed, and sender do it again and again so generally it is returned to the sender (spell caster/black magician), however the black magic practitioner always have some protection to ward off the effect, hence the person who paid to perform the black magic gets affected. Even this protection may not even work at times.
- Curse of doing Black Magic: Magicians call it the law of polarity in witchcraft; like newton’s law of relativity. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Even if intended results are achieved initially, after sometime the negative effects start to hit back. Remember the GIGO effect (Garbage In Garbage Out).

11. Business & Financial Issues

Continuous Losses in business
Abnormal activities at workplace
Knowingly making wrong decisions.
Self-sabotaging business
Unable to ask for lent money
Fire at work place

12. Career Issues
- Hurdles to find job, unsuccessful in getting jobs offers, promotions
- Barriers to better career
- Lack of Barakah, how much hard work and you earn

13. Education Issues

- Unable to concentrate in education
- Grades falling, poor memory, no interest
- Loosing interest in studies
- Feeling sad, depressed, lack of motivation
- Anxiety, stress for taking classes and exam
For any health conditions, first source of contact is your family doctor and Physician, it is very important that medical treatment should not be stopped or abandoned. Spiritual healing is the complimentary healing therapy along with the medical treatment. Never lose hope, Allah send you to this world on a mission, life is precious , you are very very important to your family friends and community, always seek the guidance and help from one and only creator and protector of this universe Allah (God)